
Core Value 3 : People and planet


Core Value 3 : People and planet

We firmly believe that good architecture, can and should, make a positive contribution to People and Planet meaning our society and the environment. We are certain that architecture can help improve and enrich people’s lives. We also believe in the restorative and healing properties of good architecture, no matter the size of the project.

We don’t work on projects for wealthy Clients only. We want to work with non-profit organisations who aim to help change the world around us for the better. We also want to work with Clients who may not have a lot of money, no matter what their perceived social status or income is. We don’t have a minimum project value as we believe good architecture should be available for all people, regardless of budget. No matter the size of the project or type of client, we will give them all the same level of care and attention.

We believe in The Climate Crisis and want to be part of the solution

This means designing and constructing amazing buildings that have a low impact on the planet.

It means going a step further than that though. We need to operate a successful business that also has a low environmental impact. We want to work with customers, manufacturers and suppliers who also share this vision of low environmental impact.


People and Planet: Every design and business decision made needs to be…

…underpinned by how it will positively affect society and the environment, in the short term and the long term.

As a business we recognise our staff and collaborators are the most important part of the business. Therefore, we aim to pay above average salaries to members of staff. We want to attract and retain top talent that consistently deliver outstanding results.

As an organisation we also donate at least 1% of our turnover [not profit] to worthy causes and charities. We sometimes complete some of our professional services at discounted rates or even free of charge / pro bono. As individuals we also volunteer and donate our time to help others. We believe this helps improve society, our communities and the planet.

Good architecture, can and should, make a positive contribution to our society and the environment. We believe in The Climate Crisis and want to be part of the solution. Every design and business decision made needs to be underpinned by how it will positively affect society and the environment, in the short term and the long term.

If what we are saying resonates with you, we’d love to meet you and have a conversation…

…click the ‘Let’s talk’ button, send us a quick message and we’ll get back in touch soon to arrange a meeting.


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